Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "徂", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "徂", and master the standard way of writing the character "徂".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 徂
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "徂" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
徂 [cú]
1. 往: To go; to move.
Example: 自西徂东 (From the west to the east).
2. 过去, 逝: To pass; to perish.
Example: 岁月其徂 (The years have passed).
3. 开始: To begin.
Example: 六月徂暑 (June marks the beginning of summer).
4. 古同“殂”, 死亡: An ancient term synonymous with "殂", referring to death.
【本义】: 往; 去
(Original meaning: To go; to leave)
【造字法】: 形声。从彳( chì)且声。从“彳”,表示与行走有关。
(Character formation: Phonetic-ideogram combination, with the walking component 彳 (chì) indicating something related to movement.)
1. 《尔雅》: 徂,往也。 (Erya: 徂 means to go.)
2. 《书·大禹谟》: 汝徂征。 (Book of Documents: You shall go on a campaign.)
3. 《书·胤征》: 胤后承王命徂征。 (Book of Documents: After Yin, you shall undertake the royal command.)
4. 《诗·卫风·氓》: 自我徂尔。 (Book of Poems: From me, I go to you.)
5. 《诗·小雅·小明》: 我征徂西。 (Book of Poems: I march to the west.)
【例】: 又如: 徂川(流去的河水); 徂徕(往复); 徂征(前往征讨)
(Examples: 如: 徂川 (the flowing river); 徂徕 (to and fro); 徂征 (to go on a campaign))
1. 及,至: To arrive.
Example: 自夏徂秋 (From summer to autumn).
2. 行,行走: To walk.
Example: 思无邪,思马斯徂 (Think without malice, think of the horse that walks).
3. 死亡: To die.
Example: 二十有八载,放勋乃徂落, 百姓如丧考妣。 (At twenty-eight, Fang Xun passed away; the people mourned as if they had lost their parents.)
4. 消逝: To disappear.
Example: 如: 徂年(过去的年月); 徂辉(落日的余辉; 比喻逝去的岁月)
(Examples: 如: 徂年 (the past years); 徂辉 (the afterglow of the setting sun; metaphor for the gone years)).