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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "德", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "德", and master the standard way of writing the character "德".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 德
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "德" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 人们共同生活及行为的准则和规范,品行,品质。
The standards and norms of people's common life and behavior, character, quality.
2. 心意,信念。
Heart, belief.
3. 恩惠。
Grace, favor.
4. 姓。
A surname.
1. 人们共同生活及行为的准则和规范,品行,品质:美德。品德。公德。德行。道德。德性。德育(以一定的社会要求,进行思想的、政治的和道德的教育)。德才兼备。度德量力。德高望重。
The standards and norms of people's common life and behavior, character, and quality: virtue. Moral character. Public virtue. Moral conduct. Ethical conduct. Moral nature. Moral education (educating in thought, politics, and ethics based on certain social requirements). A combination of virtue and talent. Measure virtue against capability. High moral standing and reputation.
2. 心意,信念:一心一德。
Heart, belief: united in spirit.
3. 恩惠:德施。德泽(德化和恩惠)。德惠。感恩戴德。
Grace: to bestow kindness. Grace and favor. To feel grateful for kindness.
4. 姓。
A surname.
惪 dé
动 【本义】: 登高,攀登
Verb [Primary Meaning]: Ascend, climb
【造字法】:形声。从彳( chì),惪( dé)声。从“彳”,表示与行走有关。
Character Formation: Phonetic compound. From "彳" (chì) indicating something related to walking.
同本义 ([En.] ascend)
Same as primary meaning (Eng. ascend)
感激 ([En.] be grateful)
Be grateful
通“得”。取得,获得 ([En.] get)
Also reads as "得" meaning to obtain, gain.
道德,品行 ([En.] virtue; moral character; integrity)
Virtue, moral character.
恩惠; 恩德 ([En.] kindness; favor)
Grace; kindness.
仁爱; 善行 ([En.] kindheartedness)
Kindheartedness; good deeds.
心意 ([En.] heart; mind)
Heart; mind.
福 ([En.] happy)
Virtue, moral conduct.
Moral conduct recognized both internally and externally; virtue resides in the heart, while actions reflect it.
What kind of virtue can rule?
Virtue of "three sixes." Integrity, firmness, and softness.
One should not overestimate one's virtue when seeking great righteousness in the world.
Without virtue, there is no value; without ability, there are no officials.
Shallow virtue (having superficial goodness); moral reputation; capability reflected in virtue; respected everywhere for moral character.
Bestowing grace (kindness; favor); kindness and grace.
仁爱;善行 ([En.] kindness)
Kind-heartedness; good deeds.
United in heart and mind.
The moral quality of the common people.