Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "路", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "路", and master the standard way of writing the character "路".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 路
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "路" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
路 [lù]
1. 道,往来通行的地方: road, a place for travel and passage.
- 道路 (road), 公路 (highway), 水路 (waterway), 陆路 (land route), 路途 (journey), 路程 (distance), 路人 (passerby, metaphorically refers to unrelated people), 狭路相逢 (narrow paths meet).
2. 思想或行动的方向、途径: way, direction or means of thought or action.
- 思路 (train of thought), 生路 (way to live), 出路 (way out), 路子 (means), 路数 (way of doing things).
3. 方面,地区: aspect or region.
- 外路货 (foreign goods), 各路人马 (various groups).
4. 种类: kind or type.
- 一路货色 (a variety of goods).
5. 大,正: big, right.
- 厥声载路 (his voice is on the right road), 路门 (the main entrance of a palace), 路车 (carriage of ancient emperors and nobles), 路舆 (royal carriage), 路寝 (place where ancient monarchs handled state affairs).
6. 车: vehicle.
- 筚路 (certain kind of carriage), 乘路 (to ride).
7. 姓: surname.
1. 经过: to go through or pass.
2. 通“露”:暴露; to show, become visible, or reveal.
3. 通“露”:败坏; to corrupt or ruin.
1. 通“露”:裸露; naked, exposed.
2. 大; big.
- 路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索 (The road ahead is long and will search high and low).
- 路程; journey (as in distance traveled).
- 比喻权位: metaphor for power and authority.
- 铁路: railway or railroad.
- 路票 (pass), 路货 (goods in transit), 路遥知马力,日久见人心 (Distance reveals the strength of a horse; long acquaintance shows true character).