套 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 套
Stroke Order Diagrams for 套
Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 套
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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 套
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "套" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "套" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 套
to cover / covering / case / cover / (a measure word, a set of something) / sheath
套 [tào]
1. 罩在外面的东西 (sheath; case; cover)
例: 枕套; 书套; 钢笔套; 手套
2. 指已成固定格式的办法或语言 (convention; formula)
例: 套文,套言,套括; 套式; 套叙; 套习
3. 衡量、要求事物的固定模式 (convention; restriction)
例: 套数
4. 地势弯曲的地方 (bend)
引: 《新五代史》:明宗战胡卢套、杨村,为梁兵所败。
5. 特指黄河从宁夏横城堡到陕西府谷县一段或这一段围着的地区
例: 河套
6. 用绳子等结成的环状物 (knot; loop; noose)
例: 牲口套; 大车套; 绳套
7. 圈套 (trap)
引: 《西游记》:话说唐三藏固住元阳,出离了烟花苦套。
例: 套子
1. 罩在外面 (cover with; slip on)
引: 《儿女英雄传》:下边穿着条香色洋布夹裤,套着双青缎子套裤。
2. 如: 套袖 (套在衣袖外保护衣服)
3. 把棉花、丝棉等平整地装入被褥或袄里缝好 (fit over)
例: 套棉被; 套棉袄; 套进去; 套件衣服
4. 用绳索或轭具将牲口拴住或与车辆等用具拴在一起以备使用 (harness)
例: 套车; 套马; 套头
5. 用计哄骗或诈诱 (trick)
引: 《红楼梦》:宝钗便在炕上坐了,慢慢的闲言中套问他年纪家乡等语,留心窥察。
例: 套弄; 套供
6. 照现成的模式做 (model on)
例: 生搬硬套; 这一段是从现在的文章上套下来的
7. 拉拢 (try to win (sb.'s friendship))
例: 套交情; 套近乎
8. 互相衔接、重叠 (interlink)
例: 十年修公路,大圈套小圈
用于搭配成组的事物 (set)
例: 套杯 (一组能大小套叠在一起的杯子); 一套房子
suit / a set / a collection / of the same kind / the same old stuff / set pattern of behavior
to form a complete set / coherent
set meal / product or service package (e.g. for a cell phone subscription)
glove / mitten / CL:雙|双[shuang1],隻|只[zhi1]
a whole set of / a full set of
an entire set / full complement
in two copies / two sets of
coat / jacket / CL:件[jian4]
forming a complete set / complementing one another
sequence of movements in martial arts / routine / pattern / standard method
polite greeting / civilities / to exchange pleasantries
outfit or suit (of clothes) / set of coordinated items / kit
polite phrase / conventional greetings / cliché / to try to worm facts out of sb
to copy a set pattern mechanically / to crib
sheath / case / cover / conventional method / cliché / trick / (coll.) condom
rote / apply mechanically
to immobilize with a lasso / to be trapped in the stock market
woman's suit / dress worn over a petticoat