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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "避", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "避", and master the standard way of writing the character "避".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 避
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "避" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
avoid / shun / flee / escape / leave / to keep away / to leave / to hide
避 [bì]
【本义】: 躲开,回避
Meaning 1: To dodge; to avoid.
Meaning 2: To leave.
Meaning 3: To modestly decline (as in: to give way; to yield; to decline honor).
Meaning 4: To hide.
1. 躲,设法躲开:
- 逃避雨水 (dodge the rain).
- 避开暑天 (avoid the hot days).
- 逃避世俗 (avoid worldly affairs).
- 避讳 (avoid speaking of taboo subjects).
- 回避 (to retreat).
- 避重就轻 (avoid the heavy by choosing the light).
- 避世绝俗 (seclude oneself from the world).
2. 防止:
- 避免 (prevent).
- 避孕 (avoid pregnancy).
- 避嫌 (avoid suspicion).
- 避雷针 (lightning rod).
1. 《说文》:避,回也。 (To dodge, to retreat.)
2. 《苍颉篇》:避,去也。 (To dodge, to go away.)
3. 《国语·周语》:无乃实有所避。 (Is there really something to avoid?)
4. 晋· 陶渊明《桃花源记》:自云先世避秦时乱。 (It is said that ancestors fled from the chaos of the Qin era.)
5. 清· 周容《芋老人传》:有书生避雨檐下。 (A scholar sheltered from the rain under the eaves.)
- 避风雨 (dodge the storm).
- 避秦 (flee from the harsh governance of the Qin).
- 避言 (speak cautiously to avoid mistakes).
- 避宅 (to hide without staying at home).
3. 逊让:
- 避让 (to yield; to modestly decline).
- 避贤 (to yield to the worthy).
- 避荣 (to decline glory).
- 避路 (to give way).
4. 隐藏:
- 避迹 (to conceal oneself).
- 避风头 (to hide when the situation is unfavorable).