Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "迈", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "迈", and master the standard way of writing the character "迈".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 迈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "迈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
迈 mài
1. 抬起腿来跨步: To lift the leg and step forward.
- 例: 迈步 (to step forward) 迈进 (to step in).
2. 老: Old.
- 例: 老迈 (aged) 年迈 (senior).
3. 远行: To travel far.
- 例: 远迈 (to journey afar).
4. 豪放: Bold and unrestrained.
- 例: 豪迈 (heroic).
5. 超过: To surpass.
- 例: “则三王可迈,五帝可越。” (They can surpass the three kings and five emperors).
6. 英里,用于机动车行车速度: Mile, used for vehicle speeds. It is also now used to refer to kilometers (kilometers).
- 例: 一个钟头走60迈 (Traveling 60 miles in an hour).
邁 mài
1. (形声。从辵 本义:远行): A pictophonetic character. (From the character for 'walk', originally meaning 'to travel far').
2. 同本义: To travel or journey.
- 引: 钱谦益《徐霞客传》: "In the ninth month of the year of the Bingzi, departed from home westward."
- 引: 《诗·小雅·小宛》: "I journey day and night."
3. ∪缏跬 (勇行迈进): To march bravely forward; 迈迹 (the tracks of walking; to travel far).
4. 行走;跨步: To walk; to step.
- 引: 《诗·王风·黍离》: "Steps were heavy and unsteady, and the heart was swaying."
- 例: 迈过门槛 (to step over the threshold); 迈步 (to step forward).
5. 超过,跨越: To surpass or cross.
- 引: 《三国志·高堂隆传》: "The three kings can surpass, and the five emperors can transcend."
- 例: 迈世 (to surpass the times).
6. 时光流逝: The passage of time.
- 引: 《诗·唐风·蟋蟀》: "Now I am not happy, and time passes by."
- 例: 迈往 (the passage of time).
7. 通“劢”:勤勉: Related to the character 劢, meaning diligent.
- 引: 《左传·庄公八年》: "Gao Yao encouraged virtue."
- 例: 迈德 (to strive for virtue).
邁 mài
1. 超然不俗: Aloof or detached.
- 引: 《晋书·裴楷传》: "With graceful spirit and striking demeanor."
- 例: 迈气 (grand spirit); 迈达 (broad-minded).
2. 老: Old.
- 引: 杜甫《上白帝城》: "Old and frail, lacking spirit."
- 例: 老迈; 年迈.
邁 mài
英里的音译: A transliteration of 'mile' (1 mile = 1.6093 kilometers; used for vehicle speeds).
- 例: 一个钟头走60迈 (Traveling 60 miles in an hour).