Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "过", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "过", and master the standard way of writing the character "过".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 过
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "过" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
(experienced action marker) / to cross / to go over / to pass (time) / to celebrate (a holiday) / to live / to get along / (surname) / excessively / too-
过 guò
1. 从这儿到那儿,从此时到彼时。
(Go from here to there, from this time to that time.)
2. 经过某种处理方法。
(Pass through a certain processing method.)
3. 超出。
4. 重新回忆过去的事情。
(Recall past events.)
5. 从头到尾重新审视。
(Re-examine from beginning to end.)
6. 次,回,遍。
(Times; instances; occurrences.)
7. 错误。
过 guò (动)
(Original meaning: pass by, go through)
1. 同本义 ([En.] go across; pass through)
2. 超出,胜过 ([En.] exceed; go beyond)
3. 过去(过后) ([En.] pass by; go over)
4. ([En.] euphemism) ∶去世 ([En.] pass away)
5. 给予;递给 ([En.] give)
6. 渡过 ([En.] cross)
7. 转移;过渡 ([En.] transfer)
8. 〈方〉∶ 传染 ([En.] infect)
9. 度过;过活 ([En.] spend the time; pass the time)
10. 来访;前往拜访;探望 ([En.] visit)
11. 交往,相处 ([En.] associate; contact)
12. 交谈 ([En.] talk with each other; converse)
13. 错,犯错误 ([En.] mismatch)
14. 失去 ([En.] lose)
15. 怪罪,责难 ([En.] censure)
16. 继入、赘入或嫁人 ([En.] adopt; marry)
17. 方言。指母猪生小猪 ([En.] farrow)
18. 传递 ([En.] transport)
19. 帮助咽下;和着吃 ([En.] swallow)
20. 冲刷;漂洗 ([En.] wash off)
21. ([En.] particle)
22. 用在动词加“不”或“得”的后面,表示胜过或通过的意思。
23. 用在动词后,表示完毕。
24. 用在动词后,表示某种行为或变化曾经发生,但并未继续到现在。
过 guò (名)
1. 无意的犯法或作恶行为;错误 ([En.] fault; mistake)
2. 〈方〉∶缘故 ([En.] cause; reason)
3. 通“祸” (huò)。灾殃 ([En.] disaster; adversity)
过 guò (形)
过分; 过于; 太甚 ([En.] excessive)
过 guò (量)
1. 遍,次 ([En.] time)
2. 另见 guō
1. 用在动词后表示曾经或已经。
(Used after a verb to indicate that something has happened or been done before.)
2. 用在动词后,与“来”、“去”连用,表示趋向。
(Used after a verb, combined with "来" or "去," to indicate direction.)
过 guò (名)
1. 古国名 ([En.] Guo state), 在今山东省掖县稍西北近海处
(An ancient state name located northwest of modern-day Yexian County, Shandong Province, near the sea.)
2. 姓,过国之后
(Surname, descended from the state of Guo.)
3. 另见 guò