Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "扪", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "扪", and master the standard way of writing the character "扪".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 扪
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "扪" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
扪 (mén)
1. 按,摸。
[En.] To press, to touch.
例: ~心自问。
[En.] To touch one's heart and self-question.
2. 同本义 ([En.] hold)
1 《说文》:扪,抚持也。
[En.] "扪" means to hold and support.
2 《诗·大雅·抑》:莫扪朕舌。 注:“扪,持也。”
[En.] "Do not hold my tongue." Note: "扪" means to hold.
例: 扪舌(握住舌头,使不能说话); 扪虱(捉住虱子); 扪月(捉月)
[En.] To hold the tongue (to prevent speaking); to catch lice; to catch the moon.
3. 抚摸 ([En.] stroke; touch)
1 《史记·高祖本纪》:乃扪足曰:“虏中吾指。” 索隐:“扪,摸也。”
[En.] "He then touched his feet and said, 'My finger is among the captives.'" Note: "扪" means to touch.
2 《素问·离合真邪论》:必先扪而循之。 注:“扪,谓手摸。”
[En.] "One must first touch and follow it." Note: "扪" refers to using the hand to touch.
3 清· 薛福成《观巴黎油画记》:以手扪之。
[En.] "He touched it with his hand."
例: 扪心(抚摸胸口); 扪心自揣(按着胸口自我估量); 扪循(按摩); 扪摸(触摸;摸索); 扪腹(抚摸腹部); 扪索(摸索,寻求); 扪足(以手摸足); 扪参(抚摸参宿); 扪天(摸天。极言其高); 扪膝(摸膝)
[En.] Touching the heart (to caress the chest); touching the heart to self-evaluate; to massage; to touch (to feel); to touch the abdomen; to explore; to touch the feet; to touch the constellation; to touch the sky (to speak of its height); to touch the knee.
4. 攀;挽 ([En.] climb).
例: 扪涉(谓攀山涉水); 扪萝(攀援葛藤)
[En.] Climbing and traversing mountains and waters; to climb vines.