Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "攢", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "攢", and master the standard way of writing the character "攢".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 攢
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "攢" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 積聚,積蓄
(En: accumulate; hoard; save)
Example: 攢錢 - save money; 攢積 - accumulate.
2. 彎曲,捲曲
(En: coil; curl)
Example: 提其耳而四足攢者良 - pulling its ears and curling its four feet is good.
3. 另見 cuán
(En: see also cuán)
1. 簇擁; 圍聚; 聚集
(En: assemble; gather together)
Example: 萬頭攢動 - a crowd of people gathering.
2. 結算
(En: settle)
Example: 攢賬 - settle accounts.
3. 裝配起來
(En: assemble)
Example: 自己攢一輛自行車 - assemble a bicycle by oneself.
4. 拿; 取
(En: take; hold)
Example: 攢着 - holding in the hand.
1. 待葬的棺柩
(En: coffin)
Example: 攢宮 - a temporary resting place for a coffin.
2. 量詞。用於聚集成團或成堆的東西
(En: cluster)
Example: 花一攢錦一簇 - a cluster of flowers.
3. 另見 zǎn
(En: see also zǎn)
(En: Connection to "酇". One unit of local organization during the Zhou Dynasty, consisting of one hundred households.)
(En: Connection to "鑽". To pierce; to drill in. Also refers to a tool for making holes.)
(En: To pin or insert.)