Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "數", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "數", and master the standard way of writing the character "數".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 數
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "數" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
to count, number / figure / to count / to calculate / several, frequently / repeatedly
1. 計算;查點。
Count; calculate.
2. 算在數內。
Included in the count.
3. 比較起來最突出。
Most prominent in comparison.
4. 亞於;次於。(常置於“不”字之後)
Inferior to; lesser than. (Often used after "不")
5. 數落;責備。
Scold; reprimand.
6. 說;稱說。
Say; mention.
7. 分辨;詳察。
Distinguish; examine closely.
8. 數目;數量。
Number; quantity.
9. 數詞。幾;幾個。
Numeral; several; a few.
10. 表示事物的量的基本數學概念。
Basic mathematical concept representing quantity.
11. 一種語法範疇,表示名詞或代詞所指事物的單或複數。
A grammatical category indicating singular or plural forms of nouns or pronouns.
12. 數詞的省稱。
Abbreviation for numeral.
13. 算術;數學。
Arithmetic; mathematics.
14. 歷數,即古代的天文學。
Historical astronomy, referring to ancient astrological methods.
15. 筮法,即古代占卜之術。
Divination, an ancient practice of fortune-telling.
16. 天命;命運。
Destiny; fate.
17. 規律;法則。
Law; principle.
18. 道數,方法。
Method; way.
19. 技藝;技巧。
Skill; technique.
20. 策略;權術。
Strategy; tactics.
21. 法;法制。
Law; legal system.
22. 禮數;儀節。引申為等差;等級。
Rituals; ceremonies; also implies hierarchy or levels.
23. 指星象的度數。
Refers to the degrees of celestial bodies.
24. 疾速。
Quick; rapid.
25. 緊促;緊湊。
Tight; close-knit.
26. 屢次;頻頻。
Repeatedly; frequently.
27. 細;密。
Fine; dense.
28. 親密;親近。
Intimate; close.
29. 中醫學術語。指脈搏頻率高,每分鐘在九十次以上。
A term in Chinese medicine that refers to a rapid pulse, over ninety beats per minute.
30. 方言。召請。唐樊綽。
Dialect. To invite; referenced in Tang dynasty by Fan Chuo.
31. 通“縮”。縮酒。
Meaning "to contract." To reduce in quantity.
32. 副词 频频、屡次。
Adverb: Frequently; repeatedly.
33. 参见「数珠」条。
See the entry for "counting beads."
34. 形容词 细密。
Adjective: Fine; dense.
This comprehensive definition illustrates the various meanings and usages of the character "數" in both Chinese and English contexts.