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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "斩", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "斩", and master the standard way of writing the character "斩".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 斩
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "斩" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
斩 zhǎn
1. 砍断。
(English: to chop off.)
- 砍断:~断。
(to chop off: to break.)
- ~首。
(to decapitate.)
- ~决。
(to decide through execution.)
- ~除。
(to eliminate.)
- ~草除根。
(to cut off weeds at the root.)
- ~钉截铁。
(to act decisively.)
- 先~后奏。
(to prioritize.)
- 披荊~棘。
(to remove obstacles.)
2. 同本义 ([En.] behead; decapitate; chop someone’s head off; chop; kill)
- 引用:
1. 《说文》:斩,截也。
(To chop is to sever.)
2. 《尔雅·释诂》:斩,杀也。
(To chop means to kill.)
3. 《诗·小雅·节南山》:国既卒斩。
(The country has executed.)
4. 《释名·释丧制》:斫头曰斩,斩要曰要斩。
(To chop the head is called a beheading.)
5. 《周礼·秋官·掌戮》:掌斩杀贼谍而膊之。
(To execute thieves.)
6. 《墨子·备城门》:不从令者斩。
(Those who disobey orders will be executed.)
7. 《史记·陈涉世家》:法皆斩。
(All offenses are punishable by death.)
8. 失期当斩。
(Failure to keep promises will lead to execution.)
9. 借第令毋斩。
(Do not execute the messenger.)
10. 《世说新语·自新》:杀虎斩蛟。
(To slay a tiger and behead a dragon.)
3. 砍;砍断 ([En.] chop; cut down)
- 引用:
1. 宋·苏洵《六国论》:斩荆棘。
(To cut through thorns.)
2. 宋·苏轼《教战守》:斩刈杀伐之际。
(At the time of battle.)
4. 断绝 ([En.] break off; dissociate)
- 引用:
1. 《三国演义》:汉祀不斩,皆出将军之赐也。
(Han sacrifices are not severed.)
5. 剪裁,特指丧服不缉下边 ([En.] tailor; cut out a garment)
- 引用:
1. 《左传·襄公十七年》:齐晏桓子卒,晏婴粗缳,斩。
(In mourning, a coarse robe is tailored.)
6. 用同“眨”。眼睛一睁一闭 ([En.] wink)
- 引用:
1. 《西游记》:还斩眼动鳞。
(To blink.)
斩 zhǎn
非常;特别 ([En.] very; special)
- 引用:
1. 《老残游记》:老远地便见有多少洋枪队,由教习打着外国口号,一斩齐地走了上来。
(Countless foreign troops marching.)
- 例:
- 斩平(特别平整)
(Very smooth.)
- 斩截(干脆;利落)
(Very sharp.)
- 斩新(簇新;全新)
(Brand new.)
lit. to cut one's way through thistles and thorns (idiom) / fig. to overcome all obstacles on the way / to break through hardships / to blaze a new trail