Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "歸", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "歸", and master the standard way of writing the character "歸".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 歸
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "歸" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Definition of 「歸」:
歸 guī
1. 返回,回到本處:go back; return
2. 還給:return sth. to; give sth. back to; restore sth. to
3. 趨向,去往:tend; go towards
4. 合併,或集中於一類,或集中於一地:put together; merge
5. 由,屬於:belong to; pertain to
6. 結局:outcome; conclusion
7. 珠算中一位除數的除法:division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor
8. 古代稱女子出嫁:in ancient times, referred to a woman getting married
9. 自首:surrender
Additional meanings:
1. 同本義 (of a woman) get married
2. 返回,回來 go back; return
3. 歸還 return sth. to; give sth. back to; restore sth. to
4. 辭官回家 resign
5. 死 pass away
6. 投案自首 surrender
7. 合併; 歸依; 歸屬; 歸到一處 put together
8. 趨向; 歸向 tend
9. 用在重疊動詞間,表示不相干或無結果 express irrelevance or lack of results in between repetitive verbs
10. 結算 settle accounts
11. 通“饋” (kuì)。餉,贈送 give as a gift
Noun meaning:
1. 珠算中稱一位除數的除法: division on the abacus with a one-digit divisor.
Adjective meaning:
1. 羞慚: ashamed; abashed
Other forms of 歸 (kuì):
1. 通“饋”. 贈送: present
2. 慚愧: feel ashamed
3. 另見 guī: refer to guī