汭 [ruì]
1. 河流会合的地方或河流弯曲的地方。
[En.] A place where rivers meet or where a river bends.
1. 两条水流汇合处 ([En.] confluence of streams)
2. 河流、湖泊的弯处 ([En.] river bends)
3. 水滨 ([En.] bank)
4. 水流之北 ([En.] north of a River)
5. 水名 ([En.] Rui River)
6. 在山西省永济县境。西流注于黄河,传说即舜纳二妃处 [En.] Located in Yongji County, Shanxi Province. It flows west into the Yellow River, believed to be the place where Shun received his two wives.
7. 在江西铅山县境,为上饶江支流 [En.] Located in Qianshan County, Jiangxi, it is a tributary of the Shangrao River.
8. 泾水支流,发源于宁夏回族自治区泾源县南,至甘肃泾川县流入泾水 [En.] A tributary of the Jing River, originating south of Jingyuan County in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, flowing into the Jing River in Gansu Province.