Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "泆", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "泆", and master the standard way of writing the character "泆".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 泆
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "泆" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
泆 [yì]
1. 古同 "逸"。
("Ancient same as '逸'.")
2. 古通 "溢"。
("Ancient same as '溢'.")
基本义: 通 "溢"。水满出。
("Basic meaning: Same as '溢'. Water overflowing.")
造字法: 形声。从水,失声。
("Character formation: Phonetic and semantic. From 'water', with 'loss of sound'.")
1. 同本义 (overflow)
("Same as basic meaning: overflow.")
2. 放纵 (let sb. have his own way)
("Let someone have their own way.")
例: 又如:泆宕 (放荡; 放纵)
("Example: '泆宕' refers to indulging; letting loose.")
3. 舒缓安闲 (easy)
("Relaxed and easy.")
例: 如:泆然 (舒缓安闲的样子)
("Example: '泆然' refers to a relaxed and easy appearance.")
4. 漂荡 (drift)
("To drift.")
例: 如:泆泆 (飘荡的样子)
("Example: '泆泆' refers to a drifting appearance.")
5. 〔~荡〕荡涤。
("To wash away.")