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熸 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 熸

熸 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 熸

熸 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 熸

Pinyin jiān
16 strokes
熸 [jiān] 1. Extinguish: "母独从容以絮被濡水,往覆然处,火立熸。" (The fire quickly extinguished as the mother calmly covered it with a water-drenched quilt.) 2. Debacle: "子瑕卒,楚师熸。" (When Zixia died, the Chu army faced a debacle.) 3. Burn down; perish: "始皇焚书,故熸焉。" (The First Emperor burned books, thus causing them to perish.) 动 (Verb): 1. 火熄灭 (En. extinguish). 2. 军队溃败 (En. debacle). Examples: - 熸灰 (Ashes). - 熸燧 (An extinguished fire). In summary: 1. 熄灭 - Extinguish 2. 溃败 - Debacle 3. 烧毁;灭亡 - Burn down; perish
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