產 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 產
Stroke Order Diagrams for 產
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "產" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "產" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Information of 產
to reproduce / to produce / give birth / products / produce / resources / estate / property
1. 人或動物生子。
(Give birth to a child or offspring of a person or animal.)
2. 製造,養種植或自然生長。
(Manufacture, raise, cultivate, or grow naturally.)
3. 製造、養、種植或自然生長的東西。
(Things that are produced, raised, cultivated, or grow naturally.)
4. 生出,出現。
(To give birth to, to appear.)
5. 財物。
(Wealth or property.)
- 産子 (give birth to a child)
- 產卵 (lay eggs)
- 產婦 (woman in labor)
- 助產士 (midwife)
- 工業生產 (industrial production)
- 土產 (local products)
- 產生 (to happen)
- 財產 (property)
- 物產 (produce or product)
- 產量 (yield)
- 產出 (output)
Additional Meanings:
As a verb:
1. 同本義 ([En.] give birth to)
- 《說文》:產,生也。
- (Shuowen: "産 means to give birth.")
2. 出產 ([En.] produce; yield)
- 唐·柳宗元《捕蛇者說》:永州之野产异蛇。
- (Tang author Liu Zongyuan: "The fields of Yongzhou produce strange snakes.")
3. 發生 ([En.] happen)
- 如:產怨(產生怨毒恨怒)
- (For example: to generate resentment.)
As a noun:
1. 產業;財產 ([En.] property)
- 例如:私產;房地產;家產
- (For example: private property; real estate; family estate.)
2. 出產之物、物產 ([En.] product)
- 例如:水產;畜產;漁產
- (For example: aquatic products; livestock products; fishery products.)
3. 產生或製造的行動或過程 ([En.] production)
- 例如:增產
- (For example: increasing production.)
4. 生產農產品或其他產品的產量 ([En.] yield)
- 例如:水稻畝產超千斤
- (For example: the rice yield exceeds one thousand pounds per acre.)
5. 一個人在給定時間的產量 ([En.] output)
- 例如:包產;定產
- (For example: contracted output; fixed output.)