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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "谗" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
slander / defame / misrepresent / to speak maliciously
谗 (讒 chán)
1. To speak ill of someone in front of others; to slander.
- Example phrases: 谗言 (slander), 谗害 (to harm through slander), 谗佞 (to flatter insincerely), 进谗 (to spread slander), 信谗 (to believe slander).
2. (verb) The act of speaking ill of others.
- English: backbite; slander.
3. (noun)
- a. A person who speaks ill of others (slanderer).
- b. Slanderous words that harm others.
引: (References)
1. 《说文》: 谗,谮也。 (Slander is the same as false accusation.)
2. 《韩诗外传》: 谗,诞也。 (Slanderous words can also mean falsehood.)
3. 《诗·小雅·十月之交》: 谗口嚣嚣。 (Slanderous words are loud and boisterous.)
4. 《左传·昭公五年》: 败言为谗。 (Defeated words are slanderous.)
5. 《左传·昭公三年》: 谗鼎之铭。 (The inscription of the slandering tripod.)
6. 《后汉书·马援传》: 取彼谗人。 (To take the slanderers.)
7. 《史记·屈原贾生列传》: 屈平属草稿未定,上官大夫见而欲夺之,屈平不与。因谗之曰… (Qu Yuan was in conflict due to the slander of a certain official.)
- 谗谤 (to defame; to slander)
- 谗言冷语 (cold words that slander and mock).
4. Slanderers are often small-minded individuals. (Slanderers are characteristically petty; references such as 《论衡·答佞》: 谗与佞,俱小人也.)
Example phrases:
- 谗人 (a person who maliciously attacks and slanders the virtuous),
- 谗夫 (a person who slanders others).
2. Slanderous words; words that harm others.
- 谗箭 (slander works like a sharp arrow, both sharp and difficult to defend against),
- 谗阅 (mutual slandering and fighting).