Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "顫", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "顫", and master the standard way of writing the character "顫".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 顫
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "顫" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 身体颤动。
Body shakes or trembles.
2. 物体震动。
Objects vibrate or shake.
3. 通“憚”。懼怕;驚恐。
Commonly understood as "dare not". Fear; panic.
(*Quoted from traditional Chinese dictionary explanation)
1. 身体因受寒或惊恐而抖动。《儒林外史·第三回》:「那手早颤起来,不敢打到第二下。」
The body shakes due to cold or fear. "That hand trembled early, not daring to strike a second time." (from "The Scholars", Chapter 3)
2. 物体摇动、晃动。唐·韩偓〈忍笑〉诗:「水精鹦鹉钗头颤,举袂佯羞忍笑时。」
Objects wobble or sway. "The water-colored parrot hairpin trembles, lifting its sleeves pretending to be shy, holding back laughter." (from Tang poet Han Zuo's poem "Endure Laughter")
3. 宋·史达祖〈杏花天·细风微月〉词:「栖莺未觉花梢颤,踏损残红几片。」
"The roosting orioles did not notice that the flower tips trembled, stepping on a few remaining red petals." (from Song poet Shi Dazhu's poem "Apricot Flower Sky")