Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "癡", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "癡", and master the standard way of writing the character "癡".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 癡
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "癡" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 呆傻;愚笨。
Silly; idiotic; stupid.
2. 發呆。
3. 瘋癲;癲狂。
Mentally deranged.
4. 迷戀;入迷。
Be crazy about; infatuated; enchanted.
5. 佛家語,貪、瞋、癡“三毒”之一。謂心靈暗昧。
In Buddhist terminology, one of the "three poisons" (greed, hatred, delusion). Refers to ignorance of true principles.
6. 天真的昵稱。
Naive; innocent; a pet name for someone innocent.
7. 用同“ 瓻 ”。酒器。
Used synonymously with "瓻". A wine utensil.
8. 同本義; 不聰慧; 遲鈍。《方言》卷十:“癡,騃也。”《説文,疒部》:“癡,不慧也。”
Same original meaning; not wise; dull. As mentioned in "Dialect" vol. 10: "癡 means dullness." In "Shuo Wen," "癡 means unwise."
9. 持久不止。
10. 迷戀;入迷。南朝梁簡文帝《與廣信侯重述内典書》:“緣癡有愛,自嗟難拔。”
Infatuation; obsession. As said in the text by Emperor Jianwen of the Liang Dynasty: "Due to the infatuation of love, it is hard to loosen."
11. 佛教語。貪、瞋、癡“三毒”之一。謂愚昧無知,不明如實之事理。
In Buddhism, represents ignorance, one of the "three poisons." Refers to being naive and lacking understanding of true principles.
12. 天真的昵稱。
A term of endearment for someone innocent.
13. 用同“ 瓻 ”。酒器。
Synonym with "瓻", a vessel for holding wine.
14. 顛狂病。
General term for manic-depressive psychosis.