Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "練", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "練", and master the standard way of writing the character "練".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 練
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "練" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
to practice / to train / to perfect (one's skill) / to drill
1. 白絹。
[En.] White silk.
2. 把生絲、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔軟潔白。
[En.] To boil and scour raw silk, hemp, or fabric to make it soft and white.
3. 反覆學習,多次操作。
[En.] To repeatedly learn or practice through multiple operations.
4. 經驗多,精熟。
[En.] To be experienced and proficient.
5. 姓。
[En.] A surname.
1. 白絹:素~。江平如~。
[En.] White silk: plain silk. The river is as smooth as white silk.
2. 把生絲、麻或布帛煮熟,使柔軟潔白:~漂(「漂」,漂白)。
[En.] Boil and scour raw silk, hemp, or fabric to soften and whiten: to wash (to bleach).
3. 反覆學習,多次操作:~習。~筆。~操。訓~。~功。
[En.] Repeated learning and multiple operations: practice, writing practice, drill, training, skill refinement.
4. 經驗多,精熟:老~。熟~。幹(gàn)~。~達(閱歷多而通達人情世故)。
[En.] Experienced and proficient: old hand, seasoned expert, capable, well-rounded (having extensive experience and understanding of human affairs).
5. 姓。
[En.] A surname.
【本义】: 把生絲煮熟; 亦指把麻或織品煮得柔而潔白
[En.] Original meaning: To boil raw silk; also refers to boiling hemp or fabric until soft and white.
【造字法】: 形聲。从糸(mì),表示與線絲有關,柬聲。
[En.] Word formation: phono-semantic compound. The radical implies relation to threads and fibers.
同本義 ([En.] boil and scour raw silk)
練習; 操演 ([En.] practice; drain)
漂洗; 洗滌 ([En.] wash)
熔鍊 ([En.] melt)
通「揀」。選擇 ([En.] select)
染 ([En.] dye)
通「柬」。選擇 ([En.] select)
1. 潔白的熟絹 ([En.] white silk)
2. 古代祭名。因古時於父母去世十三月時戴練冠祭於家廟而得名 ([En.] an ancient sacrificial name)
3. 水名 ([En.] Lian River). 在今廣東省普寧縣至潮陽縣一帶
[En.] A river in present-day Guangdong Province, from Puning County to Chaojiang County.
4. 通「鏈」。鏈子 ([En.] chain)
5. 姓 ([En.] A surname)
1. 白,素色 ([En.] white)
2. 引申爲經驗多,精熟 ([En.] experienced)