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纮 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 纮

纮 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 纮

纮 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 纮

Pinyin hóng
7 strokes
纮 hóng 名词: 1. 冠冕两旁的带子,下系于颌,上结于呂 (Ribbon on ancient hats) 2. 编磐成组的绳子。一说系鼗的绳子 (Cord) 3. 网绳 (Headrope; net rope) 4. 维系 (Dimension) 形容词: 1. 形容中间宽阔 (Wide in the middle) 2. 通“宏”,宏大 (Great) 引文: 1. 《说文》:纮,冠卷也。 (From "Shuowen": Hong, a ribbon on the crown) 2. 《广雅·释诂三》:纮,束也,凡笄贯于卷,纮属于笄。 (From "Guangya": Hong means a binding, all hairpins through the ribbon belong to it) 3. 《礼记·杂记》:管仲镂簋而朱纮。 (From "Liji": Guan Zhong carved a gui and adorned it with red ribbons.)
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