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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "胫", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "胫", and master the standard way of writing the character "胫".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 胫
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "胫" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. Small leg segment, from the knee to the heel.
(English: The calf, the segment from the knee to the heel.)
1. Small leg segment, from the knee to the heel: ~骨.
(English: The calf, the segment from the knee to the heel: ~bone.)
胫 (jìng)
1. The same as the original meaning (English: shank).
2. A general term for the legs of humans or animals (English: leg).
3. The shin bone, the front bone below the knee in vertebrates (English: shin).
- Radical: 肉 (meat), phonic component: 巠.
- Original meaning: calf.
1. "《说文》:胫,胻也。" (The Shuo Wen: "胫 means calf.")
2. "《论语》:以杖叩其胫。 皇疏:“脚胫也。膝上曰股,膝下曰胫。”" (The Analects: "To strike its shank with a staff. Imperial commentary: 'Foot shank. Above the knee is called thigh, below the knee is called shank.'")
3. "《山海经·海内经》:有赤胫之民。" (The Classic of Mountains and Seas: "There are people with red shins.")
4. "《汉书·赵充国传》:闻苦脚胫寒泄。" (The Book of Han: "Heard that the cold leak from the foot shank is painful.")
5. "《淮南子·俶真》:析才士之胫。" (Huainanzi: "Dismantling the shanks of the talented.")
Usage Examples:
1. "又如:胫无毛(形容奔走辛劳之甚);" (Also: shanks without hair (describing great toil).)
2. "胫大于股(言本小末大。旧时喻臣下的力量大于君上);" (Shank larger than thigh (implying that the minor outgrows the major; historically, it symbolizes a subordinate's strength exceeding that of a ruler).)
3. "胫衣(套裤)" (Shank clothing (pants).)
General Terms:
1. A general term for the legs of humans or animals (English: leg).
- Reference: "《聊斋志异·促织》:方首,长胫,意似良。" (Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio: "Square-headed, long-shanked, resembling good (the shank refers to human calves and the legs of insects, here referring to the legs of a cricket).")
- Example: "又如:胫毛(谓物之细微者。犹言一丝一毫,多指个人得失)" (Also: shank hair (referring to minute things. Literally, one thread or one hair, often pointed towards personal losses or gains).)
3. The shin bone, the front bone below the knee in vertebrates (English: shin).