Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "舂", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "舂", and master the standard way of writing the character "舂".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 舂
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "舂" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
舂 [chōng]
1. 把东西放在石臼或乳钵里捣掉皮壳或捣碎 ([En.] pound)
Example: 舂米 (pound rice); 舂药 (pound medicine).
1. 《说文》:舂,捣粟也。
2. 《后汉书·明帝纪》:城曰舂。
3. 《后汉书·西羌传》:水舂河漕。注:“即水碓也。”
如: 舂堂 (also called 舂塘, a wooden trough for pounding grains); 舂谷 (pound grains); 舂揄 (refers to pounding rice; to pound rice in the mortar is called 舂, and to take it out of the mortar is called 揄).
2. 通“冲”。冲击 ([En.] rush)
1. 《史记·鲁周公世家》:舂其喉以戈,杀之。
2. 《释名》:舂,撞也。以舂筑地为节也。
如: 舂击 (impact); 舂撞 (collision; impact).
1. 臼 ([En.] mortar)
1. 《聊斋志异》:刚勇有力,能举石舂。
2. 古代因犯罪或被俘等成为舂膳的奴隶 ([En.] pounding slave).
如: 舂市 (a place where ancient pounding slaves worked); 舂槁 (also called 舂槁, a term referring to the combination of pounding people and those who are forced into labor in the Zhou dynasty, managing the work of criminals).