Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "銃", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "銃", and master the standard way of writing the character "銃".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 銃
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "銃" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
銃 chòng
1. 斧頭上受柄的孔 (The hole on the axe for the handle)
引: 《集韻》:銃,斧穿也。
2. 古代用火藥發射彈丸的一種火器 (An ancient firearm that uses gunpowder to launch projectiles)
例: 如:火銃;鳥銃 (e.g., fire gun; bird gun)
3. 金屬製的打眼器具,即銃子 (A metal punching tool, also known as a punching pin)
銃 chòng
1. 用銃射擊 (Fire with blunderbuss)
引: 沈從文《大小阮》:不許說我回來過,說了張少爺會一槍銃了你。
2. 頂撞 (Retort)
例: 如:三貴更不服氣地銃鐵柱 (e.g., San Gui even more indignantly retorted against the iron pillar)
(Additional meanings found in the text)
4. 同“衝”,力量足或猛烈 (Similar to "冲", meaning strong or fierce)
5. 方言,扒竊 (Dialect for theft)
6. 指用言語頂撞人 (Refers to retorting with words)
7. 金屬制的打眼器具,即銃子 (A metallic instrument for punching, known as "拔釘")