Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鈔", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鈔", and master the standard way of writing the character "鈔".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鈔
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鈔" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 同“ 抄 ”。
Same as "抄".
2. 紙幣。
Paper money.
- 鈔票: banknote.
- 現鈔: current cash.
- 兌換外鈔: exchange foreign currency.
3. 【動】
1. 掠取;搶掠。後作「抄」。([En.] rob)
To plunder; to rob. Later referred to as "抄".
2. 謄寫。也作「抄」。([En.] copy)
To transcribe; also referred to as "抄".
4. 【名】
1. 紙幣名。現在稱紙幣為鈔票,簡稱鈔。([En.] paper money)
Name of paper currency, now referred to as "鈔票", abbreviated to "鈔".
2. 泛指錢。([En.] money)
Generally refers to money.
3. 文學作品等經過選錄而成的集子。([En.] collection)
A collection of literary works or similar materials that have been selected.
4. 姓。
A surname.
5. 引用:
1. 《說文》:鈔,叉取也。從金,少聲。俗字作抄。
From "Shuowen": "鈔" means to grab. It has a phonetic component related to "金". The common form is "抄".
2. 《通俗文》:遮取謂之抄掠。
From "Popular Literature": To cover and take is called "robbery".
3. 《後漢書·公孫瓚傳》:攻鈔郡縣。
From "Book of the Later Han": "Attacked the counties and districts".
4. 又如:鈔掠(劫掠騷擾;劫奪他人財物) (Example: To rob or plunder; to seize someone else's property.)
6. 例:
1. 又如:鈔白(抄錄的公文副本);鈔胥(擔任謄錄鈔寫工作的小吏。也作「抄胥」).
Example: "鈔白" (a copy of a public document); "鈔胥" (a minor official responsible for transcribing).
7. 諸如此類:
1. 外鈔(外國的鈔票);冥鈔(迷信人給死人燒的假鈔票,有些地方叫紙錢).
Such as "外鈔" (foreign banknotes); "冥鈔" (fake banknotes burned for the deceased, also known as 'paper money' in some places).
8. 文學作品的集子舉例:
1. 如:《北堂書鈔》、《章太炎文鈔}.
Example of a collection of literary works: "Northern Hall Collection" and "Zhang Taiyan's Collection".
9. 其他:
Another pronunciation.