鼌 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 鼌
Stroke Order Diagrams for 鼌
Information of 鼌
1. 同“晁”。
Same as "朝" (zhāo).
鼂 cháo
1. 类似龟的一种动物 ([En.] a testudinate)
A type of animal similar to a tortoise.
2. 姓。汉代有鼌错
A surname. There was a person named 鼌错 in the Han dynasty.
3. 另见 zhāo
See also zhāo.
鼂 zhāo
1. ([En.] 古)∶通“朝”。早晨 ([En.] morning)
In ancient times, synonymous with "朝" (chao), meaning morning.
1. 《楚辞·屈原·哀郢》:出国门而轸怀兮,甲之鼌吾以行。
"Leaving the country, my heart is heavy; I take with me my armor at dawn."
2. 《汉书·严助传》:边境之民为之早闭晏开,鼌不及夕。
"The border people rise early and close the gates late; the dawn does not miss the evening."
For example: 鼌夕 (from morning to evening); 鼌不及夕 (cannot pay attention to the evening in the morning, describing a perilous situation).
2. 另见 cháo
See also cháo.