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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "興" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
flourish / it is the fashion to / to become popular, interest
Definition: xīng
1. To hold; to initiate.
例:興辦 (to organize), 興工 (to initiate work), 興學 (to set up a school), 興建 (to construct), 興嘆 (to express sighs, e.g., "with a sigh"), 百廢待興 (all things await revival).
2. To rise; to get up.
例:夙興夜寐 (to wake early and sleep late).
3. Thriving; flourishing.
例:興盛 (prosperous), 興旺 (prosper), 復興 (revival), 天下興亡,匹夫有責 (the rise and fall of the world is everyone's responsibility).
4. To be popular; to be in vogue.
例:時興 (fashionable), 新興 (newly popular).
5. To permit; to allow.
例:不興胡鬧 (nonsense is not allowed).
6. Perhaps; maybe.
例:或許 (maybe).
7. Surname.
例:興 (Xing).
Definition: xìng
1. Interest; excitement; mood to engage.
例:興味 (interest), 豪興 (great excitement), 雅興 (refined interest), 敗興 (loss of interest), 遊興 (pleasure in leisure), 扫兴 (to dampen enthusiasm), 即兴 (improvisation), 助兴 (to encourage interest), 興高采烈 (full of excitement).
2. A literary technique; to evoke interest or association by mentioning another thing first, leading up to the main theme.
例:興 (association; leading).
3. Passion; emotion.
例:情興 (passion).
4. A metaphorical expression; a rhetorical device.
例:比興 (metaphor).
5. To like; to enjoy.
例:興趣 (interest).
This entry provides the comprehensive definitions of the character "興" in both verb and noun forms, illustrating its usage and context in various phrases and idioms.