Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "悻", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "悻", and master the standard way of writing the character "悻".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 悻
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "悻" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
悻 [xìng]
1. 怨恨,恼怒。
[En.] Resentment, anger.
- 例:~然。
Example: resentfully.
- 例:~~而去。
Example: angrily leave.
2. 动词
本义: 恼怒的样子
[En.] The appearance of being angry.
- 【引】《孟子·公孙丑下》:谏于君而不受,则怒,悻悻然见于面。
[En.] "To advise the ruler but not be accepted, then one becomes angry, showing resentment on the face."
- 例:又如: 悻动(怒形于色)
Example: for example, "showing anger" (悻动).
3. 形容词
1. 刚直
[En.] Firm and upright.
- 【引】唐·柳宗元《东明张先生墓志》:荡莽很悻,道之非耶?
[En.] "Is it not the way of being firm and upright?"
- 例:又如: 悻直(刚直;亦指刚愎固执)
Example: for example, "upright" (悻直; also refers to obstinacy).
2. 固执
[En.] Self-willed.
- 【引】仄闻长者言,悻直非养寿。——宋·苏轼诗
[En.] "Stubbornness is not beneficial to longevity."
- 例:又如: 悻直(固执,任性)
Example: for example, "stubborn" (悻直).