蜺 [ní]
1. A small-sized cicada known as the autumn cicada or chilly cicada.
2. An ancient term meaning "霓" (ní), referring to a type of rainbow, specifically the outer arc of a double rainbow, also known as a secondary rainbow, female rainbow, or female蜺.
蜺 [ní]
1. 秋蝉,寒蜩 (English: cicada)
引用: 《说文》: 蜺,寒蜩也。
2. 通“霓”。在虹的外圈,称副虹。又称雌虹、雌蜺 (English: secondary rainbow)
引用: 《三国演义》: 议郎蔡邕上疏,以为蜺堕鸡化。
例如: 蜺裳 (蜺做的下裳。比喻彩云); 蜺云 (一种彩云); 蜺帱 (彩色的帷帐); 蜺字 (像彩虹般艳丽的文字)。