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逈 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 逈

逈 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 逈

逈 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 逈

Pinyin jiǒng
9 strokes
Definition of 「逈」: 1. In ancient times, it is the same as "迥". 古同“迥”。 Meaning: The same as its original meaning. 同本义。 “迥” means distant. 迥,远也。——《说文》 Example: "迥阔泳沫。" — From "Records of the Grand Historian, Biography of Sima Xiangru". 迥阔泳沫。——《史记·司马相如传》 "The land is bright, distant, and clean, and the peaks from the east to the north are all competing to show their elegance." — From Ming Dynasty, Song Lian's "Viewing the Pine Temple". 地明迥爽洁,东西北诸峰,皆竞秀献状。—明·宋濂《看松庵记》 "The sky is high and the earth is distant." — From Qing Dynasty, Hong Liangji's "Treatise on Governance". 天高地迥。——清·洪亮吉《治平篇》
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