醠 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 醠
Stroke Order Diagrams for 醠
Information of 醠
1. 酒。
(Clear wine)
2. 酒:“清醠之美,始于耒耜。”
(The beauty of clear wine begins with the plow.)
3. 名词 (Noun)
清酒 (English: clear wine)
4. 引用 (Reference)
1. 《说文》:醠,浊酒也。从酉,盎声。清于醴而浊于缇,沈者,礼经皆以盎为之。
(Shuowen: "醠" refers to muddy wine. It comes from the "酉" radical, and is pronounced "àng." It is clearer than "醴" (sweet wine) and muddier than "缇" (another type of wine). Those that are settled, rites and texts all refer to it as "盎.")
2. 《淮南子·说林训》:清醠之美,始于耒耜。
(Huainanzi: "The beauty of clear wine begins with the plow.")