Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "餬", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "餬", and master the standard way of writing the character "餬".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 餬
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "餬" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
餬 [hú]
1. To eat by relying on congee, supply food with thin gruel.
- Example: 《方言》卷二: "餬,寄也。寄食為餬"
- Example: 《左傳•隱公十一年》: "寡人有弟,不能和協,而使餬其口于四方."
- Example: 《莊子•人間世》: "挫鍼治繲,足以餬口."
- Example: 唐王維《門下起赦書表》: "下除冗食,贍餬口之人."
2. Thick congee.
- Example: 《爾雅•釋言》: "餬,饘也."
- Example: 郭璞注: "餬,糜也."
- Example: 邢昺疏: "餬、饘、鬻、糜,相類之物,稠者曰糜,淖者曰鬻。餬、饘是其别名."
3. To smear; to adhere. Later referred to as "糊".
- Example: 《左傳•昭公七年》: "饘於是,鬻於是,以餬余口."
- 唐孔穎達疏: "猶今人以粥向帛,黏使相著,謂之餬帛."
4. To mix or cover, to decorate.
- Example: 《儒林外史》第二十三回: "磕了幾個頭,當時兑了一萬兩銀子出來,饞餬的去了,不曾破相."
餬 [hú] (verb)
1. To eat (to fill hunger with congee or paste).
- Example: 《庄子·人间世》: "足以餬口."
- Example:餬口 (to eat gruel; extended meaning as to rely on others for food, to make a living).
2. To smear (to apply).
- Example: 餬名 (to paste the name on a test paper); 餬刷 (brush used for mounting calligraphy and paintings).
3. To deceive, to fool.
- Example: 《儒林外史》: "万家走了以后,就由不的自己跪着,作了几个揖,当时兑了一万两银子,才餬的去了,不曾破相."
餬 [hú] (noun)
1. A thick gruel (later referring to a gelatinous substance made by cooking flour with water).
- Example: 荞麦餬,米餬; 餬料; 餬药 (preservatives in pastes).
2. To mix or blend (as in the context of food or concoctions).
- 引: 《说文》: 餬,寄食也。从食,胡声.
- 引: 《左传·隐公十一年》: 而使餬其口于四方. 注: "粥也."