1. An ancient variant of the character "凤".
2. A legendary divine bird. As mentioned in "Xunzi: 解蔽", it is said in the "Book of Songs": "The phoenix flutters, its wings are like many, its voice is like the xiao (a bamboo flute). There are both phoenix and凰 (a female phoenix), which reflects the heart of the emperor."
3. In ancient times, a metaphor for a person of saintly virtue. As noted in "Chuci: 九辩": "Wild ducks and geese all dabble in the grain and weeds, while the phoenix soars and rises higher."
4. A ceremonial emblem of emperors. As stated in "Wenxuan": "The edict was issued for the people to ascend in the last month, while the phoenix ornaments were to sail the river."
5. A type of women's jewelry. In Li Xun's poem "虞美人": "Reflected flowers avoiding the moon escort from afar, while the slick hairpin hangs low like a phoenix."
6. A surname. There was a person named Feng Chaowen during the Ming dynasty, mentioned in "Ming History: Biography of Yunnan Chieftains II: Wuding".