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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "鶩", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "鶩", and master the standard way of writing the character "鶩".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 鶩
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "鶩" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 家鴨。 (Domestic duck.)
2. 游水。 (Swim.)
3. 同“ 䨁 ”。雛雀。 (Same as "䨁", meaning nestling.)
4. 通“ 鶩 ”。奔馳。 (Same as "鶩", meaning gallop.)
5. 引申為追求。 (Extended meaning: to seek for.)
【本义】: 野鴨 (Wild duck.)
【造字法】: 形聲。从鳥,敄( wù )聲。 (Phonetic: derived from the bird radical and the sound "wù".)
1. 同本義 ([En.] wild duck)
1. 《太平御覽》引《說文》:鶩,野鳧也。 (The Taiping Yulan quotes "Shuowen": 鶩 means wild duck.)
2. 《禮記·曲禮下》:庶人之摯匹。 疏引李巡:「鳧,家鴨名; 鶩,野鴨名。」 (From "Liji": 鳧 refers to domestic ducks; 鶩 refers to wild ducks.)
3. 賈誼《春秋》:鄒穆公有令,食鳧鴈者必以粃。 (From Jia Yi's "Chunqiu": A decree that those who eat wild ducks must use millet.)
4. 唐· 王勃《滕王閣序》:落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色。 (From Wang Bo's "Tengwang Ge Xu": The setting sun and lone wild duck fly together.)
2. 家鴨 ([En.] duck)
1. 清· 徐珂《清稗類鈔·戰事類》:寨中人又鶩伏焉。 (From Xu Ke: The people in the stockade lay low like ducks.)
鶩列 (ducks arranged in a line); 鶩舲 (a small boat shaped like a duck); 鶩溏 (a disease resembling duck droppings); 鶩沒 (to dive like a duck.)
1. 奔馳。通「鶩」 ([En.] gallop.)
鶩置 (to relay with fast horses); 鶩行 (to gallop.)
2. 引申爲追求 ([En.] seek for.)
好高鶩遠 (to pursue lofty aspirations); 鶩新 (to seek novelty.)
3. 游水 ([En.] swim.)
1. 清· 吳趼人《痛史》:領水兵十餘人,鶩水直抵南岸。 (From Wu Jianren: Leading over ten water soldiers, swimming directly to the southern bank.)
(*Quoted from Traditional Dictionary Explanation*)