Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "嗟", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "嗟", and master the standard way of writing the character "嗟".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 嗟
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "嗟" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
嗟 [jiē]
1. 文言叹词 (Classical Chinese exclamatory particle).
- 例如: ~乎 (e.g., alas), ~叹 (sigh), ~来之食 (food brought to me).
2. 本义 (Original meaning): 叹词,表示忧感 (exclamatory word indicating sorrow).
- 感叹声 ([En.] alas)
- 表示呼唤 ([En.] hello)
3. 动词 (Verb):
- 叹息 ([En.] sigh; heave a sigh)
- 赞叹 ([En.] gasp in admiration; highly praise)
引例 (Examples):
1. 《玉台新咏·古诗为焦仲卿妻作》: 嗟叹使心伤. (Sighing makes the heart ache.)
2. 唐· 韩愈《师说》: 嗟乎,师道之不传也久矣. (Alas, the way of the teacher has not been passed down for a long time.)
3. 清· 刘开《问说》: 嗟乎!...非此之由乎. (Alas!... is it not because of this?)
4. 清· 林觉民《与妻书》: 嗟夫,谁知吾卒先汝. (Alas, who knows I go before you.)
例 (Usage):
- 嗟乎 (Alas!, an expression of lament)
- 嗟讶 (Gasp in surprise)
- 嗟异 (Exclaim in astonishment)
- 嗟悼 (Mourn with a sigh)
引例 (Examples):
1. 《书·秦誓》: 嗟,我士,听无哗. (Hello, my soldiers, listen quietly.)
例 (Usage):
- 嗟来 (Come, an auxiliary word)
- 嗟来之食 (Food brought to me)
- 嗟嗟 (An expression to call someone)
引例 (Examples):
1. 李白《梦游天姥吟留别》: 忽魂悸以魄动,怳惊起而长嗟. (Suddenly my soul stirs awake, startled, I give a long sigh.)
例 (Usage):
- 嗟呀 (Sigh)
- 嗟咨 (Sigh with a sigh)
- 嗟怨 (Bitter lament; resent)
- 嗟伤 (Sigh in sorrow)
赞叹 (Gasp in admiration):
引例 (Examples):
1. 《宋史·王质传》: 见其所为文,嗟赏之. (Upon seeing what he has written, I praise him highly.)
例 (Usage):
- 嗟仰 (Admiringly sigh)
- 嗟尚 (Praise highly)
- 嗟赞 (Praise)
- 嗟异 (Exclaim in amazement)
参见「咄嗟 」条。