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吹 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 吹

吹 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 吹

吹 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 吹

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 吹

Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 吹

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "吹" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 吹 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "吹" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 吹 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 吹

Pinyin chuī
7 strokes
to blow / blast / puff / boast / brag / end in failure
chuī dēng
blow out a lamp
chuī xiǎng
chuī niú
to talk big / to shoot off one's mouth / to chat (dialect)
chuī xū
to brag
chuī zòu
to play (wind instruments)
chuī fēng huì
briefing / leaking meeting / advanced briefing
fēng chuī rì shài
(idiom) to be exposed to the elements
chuī fú
to brush / to caress (of breeze) / to praise
chuī fēng
air / be in a draught / dry with a blower
fēng chuī cǎo dòng
lit. grass stirring in the wind (idiom) / fig. the slightest whiff of trouble
chuī xiāo
to play the xiao 簫|箫[xiao1] (mouth organ) / to beg while playing pipes; cf politician Wu Zixu 伍子胥[Wu3 Zi3 xu1], c. 520 BC destitute refugee in Wu town, 吳市吹簫|吴市吹箫[Wu2 shi4 chui1 xiao1] / to busk / virtuoso piper wins a beauty, cf 玉人吹簫|玉人吹箫[yu4 ren2 chui1 xiao1] / (slang) fellatio / blowjob
bù fèi chuī huī zhī lì
as easy as blowing off dust / effortless / with ease
chuī dòng
chuī dǎ
blow and beat -- to play music / play wind and percussion instruments
chuī xī
to blow out (a flame)
chuī pěng
to flatter / to laud sb's accomplishments / adulation
chuī gǔ shǒu
(old) musicians at a wedding cortege or funeral procession / (fig.) trumpeter of sb's praises / booster
zì chuī zì léi
to blow one's own trumpet (idiom)
chuī niú pí
to boast / to talk big
chūn fēng chuī yòu shēng
Spring breeze blows again
gǔ chuī
to agitate for / to enthusiastically promote
dà chuī dà léi
to make an exhibition of oneself / ostentation
chuī máo qiú cī
lit. to blow apart the hairs upon a fur to discover any defect (idiom); fig. to be fastidious / nitpick
xiā chuī
to boast / to shoot one's mouth off
chuī hú zi dèng yǎn
to get angry / to fume
shù chuī
Vertical blow
Input Method for 吹
Pinyin chui1
Four Corner
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