Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "哈", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "哈", and master the standard way of writing the character "哈".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 哈
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "哈" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
哈 [hā]
1. 张口呼气 (breathe out).
- 例如: 哈欠, 哈一口气 (e.g., yawn, take a breath).
2. 象声词,形容笑声 (onomatopoeia, describing laughter).
- 例如: 哈哈大笑, 打哈哈 (e.g., laugh heartily, make a joke).
3. 伛,弯 (stoop, bend).
- 例如: 哈腰 (slightly bend at the waist).
**Other meanings:**
1. 身子略弯,以此表示礼貌 (bend slightly as a form of courtesy).
- 例如: 点头哈腰 (nod and bend in a polite manner).
2. 名词,口 (noun, mouth).
3. 叹词,表示满意、惊喜或赞叹 (interjection indicating satisfaction, surprise, or admiration).
- 例如: 哈,丰收在望! 哈,真有两下子; 哈呀 (e.g., Aha, a bumper harvest is in sight! Aha, really impressive; Hah, expressing surprise or regret).
4. 象声词,表示得意或满意 (onomatopoeia expressing pride or satisfaction, often used in reduplication).
- 例如: 哈哈大笑 (laugh loudly).
5. 形容词,鱼很多的样子 (adjective describing a fishy appearance).
- 例如: 哈,鱼多貌 (e.g., fishy, indicating many fishes).
6. 马虎 (careless; casual).
- 例如: 哈沓 (careless; confused), 哈答 (careless; casual).
**Additional Meanings:**
1. 方言,斥责 (dialect, to reproach).
- 例如: 哈他一通 (to scold him).
2. 姓 (surname).
**Variant Readings:**
哈 [hǎ]
1. 形,蠢; 傻 (adjective, stupid).
- 例如: 哈话 (nonsense; embarrassing words).
2. 动,呵斥 (verb, to scold).
**Another Form:**
哈 [hà]
1. 另见 hā; hǎ (see hā; hǎ).
2. 〔~什蚂〕蛙的一种,雌的腹内有脂肪状物质,中医用作补品 (a type of frog, with fat-like substance in the female's abdomen, used as a supplement in traditional Chinese medicine).
*Note: See the entry for "哈喇" for more information.*