Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "崇", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "崇", and master the standard way of writing the character "崇".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 崇
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "崇" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
崇 (chóng)
1. 高 (lofty): 高山峻岭 (lofty mountains and steep ridges). 高高 (high). 高论闳议 (referring to discussions that are lofty and profound, also known as "崇论宏议").
2. 尊重,推重 (revere; advocate): 崇敬 (revere). 崇拜 (worship). 崇尚 (esteem). 推崇 (recommend highly). 尊崇 (honor).
3. 古同“终”,终了 (same as "end"): 终止, to conclude.
4. 充,充满 (fill): 崇酒于觞 (fill the cup with wine).
5. 增长 (increase): 今将崇诸侯之奸 (now will increase the plots of the lords).
6. 姓 (surname): a family name.
崇 (chóng) [形]
本义: 山大而高 (the original meaning: a large and high mountain).
造字法: 形声。从山,宗声 (the character formation method is a phonetic-meaning combination, composed of the element for "mountain" and the phonetic "宗").
1. 同本义 (lofty)
2. 高; 高大 (high; tall and big)
3. 高贵 (noble; high)
4. 兴盛 (prosperous)
崇 (chóng) [动]
1. 尊崇,推崇 (revere; advocate)
2. 通“充”。充满 (fill)
3. 终,尽。通“终” (end)
1. 《说文》: 崇,嵬高也 (According to Shuowen: 崇 means high and lofty).
2. 《国语·周语》: 融降于崇山 (referring to high mountains).
又如: 崇亘 (high and long); 崇崖 (high cliffs); 崇阿 (high hills); 崇山 (lofty mountains); 崇崇 (lofty appearance).
崇 (chóng) [动]
1. 尊崇,推崇 (revere; advocate)
2. 通“充”。充满 (fill)
3. 终,尽。通“终” (end)
1. 《礼记·祭统》: 崇事宗庙社稷 (revering the ancestral temples).
2. 《汉书·郊祀志》: 莽遂崇鬼神淫祀 (the reckless worship of ghosts and deities).
又如: 崇正黜邪 (promoting righteousness and discarding evil); 崇实 (emphasizing practicality); 崇德 (valuing virtue); 崇儒 (revering Confucianism).