Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "捂", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "捂", and master the standard way of writing the character "捂".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 捂
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "捂" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. To tightly cover or seal something.
- Example: 捂住 (to cover tightly), 捂盖子 (to cover the lid, metaphorically meaning to conceal contradictions).
2. The same as "迕", meaning contrary or opposite.
- Example: 逆, 对面 (contrary; opposite).
3. [Verb]
- **Primary Meaning**: To hold or cover with the hand.
- **Word Formation**: Phonetic-ideographic compound; composed of "hand" and the sound "wǔ".
- 1. Same as the primary meaning ([En.] cover).
- Example: 如:把什么事都捂着 (covering up everything); 捂眼儿 (covering eyes); 捂鼻子 (covering nose).
- 2. Conflict ([En.] conflict).
- Citation: 《史记集解》: 人心不同,闻见异辞,班氏所谓疏略抵捂者,依违不悉辩也。 (People's hearts are different; when they hear different words, it's as Ban said, "Those who are vague in their comments conflict and do not clarify.")
- 3. To support or lean on ([En.] support).
- Citation: 《朱子语类》: 到得这家计坏了,更支捂不住。 (When the family plans fail, they cannot be supported any longer.)
- 4. To sink or immerse ([En.] sink).
- Citation: 杜鹏程《保卫延安》: 他用手把蒿草下边的沙刨开,果真找见了湿沙子。他把嘴捂在沙子里吸呀吸呀,什么水分也吸不出。(He dug up the sand under the artemisia with his hand and found damp sand. He pressed his mouth into the sand, trying to suck out any moisture but could not.)
4. [Adjective]
- Same as "迕". Contrary; opposite ([En.] contrary).
- Citation: 《仪礼·既夕礼》: 若无器,则捂受之。 贾公彦疏: "捂即逆也,对面相逢受也。" (If there is no vessel, then receive it contrary. Commentary: "捂 means contrary, receiving face to face.")
See also 〖枝捂〗.