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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "湍" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
湍 [tuān]
1. 急流,急流的水。
Rushing waters.
2. 急流,急流的水:~急。~流。~濑(石滩上的急流)。
Rushing waters, rushing current: rushing swiftly, rushing flow, rushing rapids (the rushing water on rocky beaches).
3. (动) 冲刷;冲击 (scour)
To scour; to impact.
形 (形容词)
1. 本义:水势急速
Original meaning: Rapid water flow.
2. 造字法:形声。从水,耑( zhuān)声。
Phonetic construction: A pictophonetic character, combining "water" and the phonetic "zhuān".
引 (引证)
1. 《说文》:湍,疾濑也。
"Shuōwén Jiězì": "湍 (tuān) means swift rapids."
2. 《史记·河渠书》:水湍悍 集解:“疾也。”
"Records of the Grand Historian: 'The water is swift and fierce' - interpreted as 'swift'."
3. 《楚辞·抽思》:长濑湍流。
"The Songs of Chu": "The long currents rush swiftly."
4. 《淮南子·说山》:稻生于水,而不能生于湍濑之流。注“急水也。”
"Huáinánzǐ": "Rice grows in water, but cannot grow in rushing streams." - noted as "swift water."
例 (例句)
1. 又如:湍水(急流的水);湍悍(水势急猛);湍急(水势急速);湍泷(形容水流急疾);湍涛(激荡的水流);湍瀑(水流急溅貌)
For example: rushing water (swift waters), fierce rapids (intense water flow), rushing water flow (swift currents), rushing torrents (describing swift water flow), rushing waves (turbulent flow), rushing waterfalls (describing splashing water).
名 (名词)
1. 急流的水 ([En.] rushing waters)
Rushing waters.
引 (引证)
1. 吴均《与朱元思书》:急湍甚箭。
"Wu Jun's letter to Zhu Yuansi": "The swift current is like an arrow."
例 (例句)
1. 又如:急湍(急流);湍洑(急流形成的旋涡);湍渚(急流中的小洲);湍鸣(急流的响声);湍驶(急速的流水);湍激(水流猛急);湍波(急流的水)
For example: swift current (rushing waters), whirlpool formed by rushing water, islet in rushing waters, sound of rushing waters, rapid flowing water, fierce flow (swift waters), waves of rapid water.
1. 冲刷;冲击 (scour)
To scour; to impact.
引 (引证)
1. 《史记》:道果便近,而水湍石,不可漕。
"Records of the Grand Historian": "The path is close, and the water scours the stones, making it impossible to navigate."