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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "抟", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "抟", and master the standard way of writing the character "抟".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 抟
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "抟" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
摶 tuán
【本义】: 把东西捏聚成团
1. 把东西揉弄成球形:如捏泥球,捏纸团。
(Knead: to mold something into a spherical shape, such as kneading clay balls or paper balls.)
2. 凭借:“抟扶摇而直上”。
(Depend on: "Soar straight up riding the rising winds.")
1. 同本义 ([En.] knead)
(Same as the original meaning: knead)
1. 《说文》:抟,圜也。《韵会》引《说文》:“抟,以手圜之也。”
("Shuowen": 抟 means round. "Yunhui" quotes "Shuowen": "To knead means to shape it round with hand.")
2. 《礼记·曲礼上》:毋抟饭。
(Li Ji: Don't knead rice.)
3. 宋·陆游《过小孤山大孤山》:俊鹘抟水禽。
(Song Dynasty: Lu You's poem mentions a hawk soaring on waterfowl.)
如: 抟铸(团捏铸造); 抟弄(摆弄); 抟黍(捏黍成圆形); 抟饭(捏饭成团); 抟食(手捏饭团而食); 抟人(抟土作人); 抟沙(捏沙成团。比喻聚而易散)
(Examples: knead casting; knead and manipulate; knead millet into round shapes; knead rice into balls; knead rice to eat; knead clay to form figures; knead sand into balls, metaphorically referring to gathering things that easily disperse.)
2. 集聚 ([En.] gather)
1. 宋·苏轼《二公再和亦再答之》:亲友如抟沙,放手还复散。
(Song Dynasty: Su Shi's poem compares friends to kneaded sand that disperses if you let go.)
如: 抟力(集聚力量); 抟国(聚集国力); 抟结(集聚凝结); 抟抟(凝聚如团貌); 抟聚(集聚); 抟据(堆积成团)
(Examples: gather strength; concentrate national strength; coalesce; resemble a ball; gather; accumulate into a mass.)
3. 鸟类向高空盘旋飞翔 ([En.] wheel)
(Birds soar and circle in the sky.)
1. 《庄子·逍遥游》:鹏之徙于南冥也,水击三千里,抟扶摇而上者九万里。
(Zhuangzi: The roc flies to the southern abyss, striking the water for three thousand miles, soaring ninety thousand miles upwards.)
2. 《文选·范云·赠王中书诗》:抟飞出南皮。 注引《庄子》司马注:“抟,圜也。周飞而上,若扶摇也。”
(In a poem by Fan Yun: Soaring out of Nanpi. Cited in Zhuangzi's commentary, "抟 means round, flying around upward, just like a rising wind.")
如: 抟云(鼓动翅膀直上青云); 抟风(鹏鸟鼓动翅膀、结聚风力而乘风上飞); 抟空(盘旋于高空); 抟翼(振翅高飞); 抟鹏(盘旋在高空的鹏鸟); 抟跃(抟风飞跃); 抟摇(乘风)
(Examples: flutter wings to soar through the clouds; the roc flaps its wings, gathering wind to soar; spiraling high in the sky; flapping wings to fly high; the soaring roc in the sky; leap into the wind; ride the wind.)
持; 凭借
4. 持; 凭借 ([En.] hold)
(Hold; depend on.)
如: 抟控(主持; 执持)
(Example: hold or preside over something.)
1. 圆 ([En.] round)
1. 《周礼·考工记·梓人》:小首而长,抟身而鸿,若是者谓之鳞属。
(Zhou Li: Small head and long body, round in form, such things are called scales.)
2. 《楚辞·屈原·橘颂》:曾枝剡棘,圆果抟兮。
(Chuci: The branches are thorny, the fruit is round.)
如: 抟抟(圆圆的样子); 抟廉(圆润而锐利)
(Examples: round and spherical appearance; round and sharp.)