篿 Stroke Order
Animated Stroke Order of 篿
Stroke Order Diagrams for 篿
Information of 篿
篿 [tuán]
1. 圆形的竹器
(English: round articles made of bamboo)
(Examples: round bamboo tray, round bamboo platter.)
2. 用灵草和小竹枝占卜
(English: divination using sacred grass and small bamboo sticks)
1. 《说文》:篿,圜竹器也。 钱坫诠:“此与团字同用,今俗有团箕、团匾等器。”
(From "Shuowen Jiezi": 篿 is a round bamboo utensil. Qian Dan explains: "This is used interchangeably with the character for 'round'. Nowadays, there are utensils like round bamboo trays and round bamboo platters.")