Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "玷", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "玷", and master the standard way of writing the character "玷".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 玷
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "玷" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
玷 [diàn]
1. A flaw in a piece of jade; also implies a person's shortcomings or mistakes.
- Example: 小玷 (minor mistake).
- Example: 玷缺 (a person has flaws, like jade has spots).
- Example: 白圭之玷 ("圭" refers to jade artifacts).
2. To make something have a stain or flaw.
- Example: 玷污 (to stain).
- Example: 玷辱 (to insult).
名 (Noun)
- 本义: 白玉上的斑点
- Meaning: A flaw in a piece of jade.
- 引申:
1. 《广韵》: 玷,玉瑕 (a flaw in jade).
2. 《诗·大雅·抑》: 白圭之玷,尚可磨也 (A flaw in a jade artifact can still be polished).
3. 《诗·大雅·召旻》: 不知其玷 (not knowing its flaws).
4. 《汉书·韦元成传》: 元成复作自荐复玷缺之艰难 (The difficulty of recommending oneself and having flaws).
- Example: 玷缺 (a blemish or flaw in a piece of jade, metaphorically refers to a person's flawed character).
- Example: 玷翳 (blemishes on jade).
- 引申为过失;缺点 (To extend to mean defects).
- Example: 玷邮 (defects, mistakes); 玷瑕 (blemishes); 玷漏 (mistakes).
3. Stain.
- Example: 玷污 (to stain).
动 (Verb)
1. To smear or stain.
- Example: 玷言玷语 (filthy language); 玷毛 (to smear with ink); 玷名 (to tarnish one's reputation); 玷秽 (to defile, insult); 玷染 (to pollute, to soil).
2. Humble expression. Similar to "忝". To feel incompetent.
- Example: 玷冒 (to feel unworthy; a humble expression for oneself, akin to "fitting in through incompetence").