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纳 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 纳

纳 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 纳

纳 Stroke Order Diagrams

Step-by-Step Handwriting Guide for 纳

Standard stroke order for the Chinese character 纳

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Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 纳

Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "纳" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 纳 in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "纳" in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
Printable Handwriting Practice Worksheet of the Chinese character 纳 in Landscape Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
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Information of 纳

7 strokes
to accept / to pay (tax etc.)
纳 (nà) 1. 收入,放进。 [En.] Income; to put in. 2. 接受。 [En.] To accept. 3. 享受。 [En.] To enjoy. 4. 缴付。 [En.] To pay. 5. 补缀,缝补;现多指密密地缝。 [En.] To patch; to sew closely. 6. 姓。 [En.] A surname. 1. 收入,放进:出~。藏污~垢。 [En.] Income; to put in: to produce income; to hide dirt. 2. 接受:采~。笑~。~谏。 [En.] To accept: to adopt; to smile and accept; to accept advice. 3. 享受:~福。~凉。 [En.] To enjoy: to enjoy blessings; to enjoy coolness. 4. 缴付:~税。 [En.] To pay: to pay taxes. 5. 补缀,缝补;现多指密密地缝:~鞋底。 [En.] To patch; to sew closely: to patch shoe soles. --- 【本义】:丝被水浸湿 [En.] Original meaning: Silk soaked in water. 【造字法】:形声。从糸( mì),内声。 [En.] Character formation: phonetic and semantic; contains the radical for silk. 1. 同本义 ([En.] wet; soak) 2. 收藏;收入 ([En.] collect) 3. “纳”假借为“接纳”;接受 ([En.] receive; admit; accept) 4. 缴纳,贡献 ([En.] pay; offer) 5. 穿;着 ([En.] wear; put on). To enter shoes with the heel. 6. 使进入 ([En.] enter) 7. 取;娶 ([En.] marry) 8. 结交 ([En.] make friends with; associate with) 9. 用同“捺” ([En.] press with force; low) 10. 按下。 11. 低,低下。 12. 通“衲”。密针缝纫 ([En.] sew close stitches over a patch, etc.) 14) 扣压 ([En.] withhold) --- 引: 1. 《说文》:纳,丝湿纳纳也。 [En.] "Shuowen": "Na," meaning silk being wet and soaked. 2. 《九叹·逢纷》:衣纳纳而掩露。 [En.] "The Nine Resigns": The clothes were moist and concealed. 例: 又如: 纳纳(潮湿的样子) [En.] For example: "Na na" (a moist state). 引: 1. 诸葛亮《出师表》:察纳雅言。 [En.] Zhuge Liang: Observe and accept gentle words. 例: 又如: 采纳; 容纳; 藏垢纳污(包藏容纳污秽之物。比喻包容坏人坏事) [En.] For example: to accept; to contain; to harbor filth (metaphorically sheltering bad people and bad things). 引: 1. 宋· 文天祥《指南录·后序》:几以不纳死。 [En.] Song Dynasty, Wen Tianxiang: Almost did not accept death. 2. 《资治通鉴·唐纪》:遂开门纳众。 [En.] "Historical Records": Then opened the door to accept the crowd. 例: 又如: 纳质(接受质证;接受质询); 纳采(古婚嫁六礼中的第一件事。即行聘;其他如纳吉,纳聘,纳征,纳币皆为六礼之中); [En.] For example: Na zhi (accepting collateral); Na cai (the first act of traditional marriage rituals; including other rites like Na ji, Na ping, etc.). 引: 1. 《书·禹贡》:九江纳锡大龟。 [En.] "Book of Documents": The nine rivers contribute precious items. 例: 又如: 纳监(捐纳财物取得监生资格); 纳锡(进贡); [En.] For example: Na jian (donating to acquire qualification); Na xi (tribute). 引: 1. 马中锡《中山狼传》:三纳之而未克。 [En.] Ma Zhongxi: Three attempts to enter but did not succeed. 引: 1. 《国语·晋语》:杀三卻而尸诸朝,纳其室以分妇人。 [En.] "Guang Ming Journal": Killed three and carried corpses, marrying their wives. 例: 又如: 纳币(订婚时男方给女方的财物); 纳宠(娶妾); [En.] For example: Na bi (bride price); Na chong (taking concubines). 引: 1. 《宋史·张忠恕传》:魏了翁闻之,更纳交焉。 [En.] Song History: Wei Liaoweng heard it and further made friends. 例: 又如: 纳交(结交); 纳宗(结交宗室朋友) [En.] For example: Na jiao (to make friends); Na zong (to connect with clansmen). 引: 1. 《西游记》:那婆子又拿了一件破衣,补补纳纳。 [En.] "Journey to the West": That woman took a ragged garment again, patched it closely. 例: 又如: 纳衣(衲衣); 纳鞋(用线缝制鞋底) [En.] For example: Na yi (a patched robe); Na xie (to sew shoe soles).
xī nà
to take in / to absorb / to admit / to accept
tǔ gù nà xīn
lit. to breathe out stale air and breathe in fresh (idiom, from Zhuangzi 庄子); fig. to get rid of the old and bring in the new
西 Xī shuāng bǎn nà
abbr. for 西雙版納傣族自治州|西双版纳傣族自治州 Xishuangbanna, Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan
mài kè táng nà
Macdonald / mcdonald
cáng wū nà gòu
to hide dirt, to conceal corruption (idiom); to shelter evil people and accept wrongdoing / aiding and abetting wicked deeds
Sī kān dì nà wéi yà
nà qiè
to take a concubine
Bó cí wǎ nà
pà ěr nà sī
guī nà
to sum up / to summarize / to conclude from facts / induction (method of deduction in logic)
Jiá nà
Cannes (France)
nà rù
to bring into / to channel into / to integrate into / to incorporate
gāng wǎ nà
Mó nà gē
xiè wǎ ěr dé nà zé
mǎ nà sī hú
Manas Lake
sāi nà hé pàn
Seine River
Nà shí
Nash (surname)
西 Xī shuāng bǎn nà Dǎi zú zì zhì zhōu
Xishuangbanna Dhai autonomous prefecture in south Yunnan 雲南|云南
Wéi yě nà
Vienna, capital of Austria
nà shuì
to pay taxes
nà shuì rén
nà liáng
to pay taxes in kind (rice, cloth etc)
Nà cuì zhǔ yì
Bù jī nà Fǎ suǒ
Burkina Faso
cǎi nà
to accept / to adopt
jiǎo nà
to pay (taxes etc)
nà mèn
puzzled / bewildered
jiē nà
to admit (to membership)
jiāo nà
to pay (taxes or dues)
Input Method for 纳
Pinyin na4
Four Corner