Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "肆", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "肆", and master the standard way of writing the character "肆".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 肆
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "肆" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
1. 放纵,任意行事:如肆口、肆虐、肆意、放肆、肆无忌惮。
[En.] Indulgence and acting arbitrarily.
2. 尽,极:如肆力(尽力)、肆目、肆勤。
[En.] To the utmost; extreme.
3. 陈列,陈设:如肆筵。
[En.] Display; arrangement.
4. 古代指人处死刑后暴尸示众:如肆诸市朝。
[En.] To expose a corpse in public after execution in ancient times.
5. 侵犯;冲突:如肆凶。
[En.] To intrude; conflict.
6. 恣纵,放肆:如肆毒、肆掠、肆欲。
[En.] To indulge; to be reckless.
7. 宽缓:如肆赦。
[En.] To relax.
8. 宣扬;扩展:如肆布、肆芳。
[En.] To propagate; to expand.
9. 极力,勤苦:如肆心、肆勤。
[En.] To use to the utmost; diligence.
1. 店铺(上古时代表示商店):如市肆、茶坊酒肆。
[En.] A shop (in ancient times, referring to a store).
2. 手工业作坊:如肆业。
[En.] A handicraft workshop.
3. 古代编悬乐器的单位,悬钟十六为肆。
[En.] A unit for hanging musical instruments, where sixteen bells equal one unit.
4. “四”的大写,用于支票等上,以避免错误或更改。
[En.] The uppercase of "four," used on checks to avoid mistakes or alterations.
1. 长;常:如肆松弛。
[En.] Long; common.
2. 疾;迅速:如肆伐。
[En.] Quick; swift.
3. 大:如肆威。
[En.] Large.
4. 直,正:如肆直。
[En.] Right; upright.
尽,极 (如:肆好、肆奢)。
[En.] Very; extremely.