Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "靖", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "靖", and master the standard way of writing the character "靖".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 靖
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "靖" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
靖 [jìng]
Meaning 1: 平安,安静。 (Peaceful, quiet.)
Example: 靖冥(幽深闲静)。 (Quiet and deep.) 靖默。 (Silent.)
Meaning 2: 平定,使秩序安定。 (Pacify, stabilize order.)
Example: 绥靖。 (To pacify.) 靖难(nàn)(平定叛乱)。 (Pacify rebellion.)
Meaning 3: 图谋,谋议。 (Conspire, plot.)
Example: “实靖夷我邦”。 (Truly scheming against my state.)
Meaning 4: 恭敬。 (Respectful.)
Example: “士处靖,敬老与贵,交不失礼。” (Scholars should be respectful and maintain propriety towards the elderly and the noble.)
Meaning 5: 古同“静”,静止。 (Same as '静' in ancient texts, meaning stillness.)
Meaning 6: 姓。 (Surname.)
Meaning 1: 同本义 ([En.] still; quiet)
Meaning 2: 安定;和平 ([En.] stable; peaceful)
Meaning 3: 善 ([En.] good)
Meaning 4: 细小 ([En.] small)
Meaning 5: 谦卑恭敬的样子 ([En.] respectful)
As a verb:
Meaning 1: 使安定 ([En.] pacify; quiet)
Example: 靖乡土。 (To pacify the homeland.)
Meaning 2: 止息 ([En.] stop)
Example: 靖兵(息兵,休战)。 (Cease hostilities.)
Meaning 3: 平定 ([En.] pacify)
Example: 靖难(平定乱事)。 (Pacification of rebellion.)
Meaning 4: 治理 ([En.] administer)
Example: 靖国(安治国家)。 (Administer/control the state.)
Meaning 5: 思念 ([En.] think)
Example: 靖,思也。 (To think.)
Meaning 6: 立 ([En.] be determined)
Example: 既防溢而靖志兮。 (To be determined.)
Meaning 7: 图谋 ([En.] plot)
Example: 实靖夷我邦。 (Plotting against my state.)
Meaning 8: 通“旌”。表彰 ([En.] praise)
Example: 不靖其能,其谁从之? (Who would follow if they cannot be recognized?)