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嚵 Stroke Order

Animated Stroke Order of 嚵

嚵 Stroke Order Animation

Stroke Order Diagrams for 嚵

嚵 Stroke Order Diagrams

Information of 嚵

Pinyin chán
20 strokes
嚵 1. To taste. 尝。 2. Beak or mouth of animals. 喙。 3. Same as "饞" (to be greedy or gluttonous). 同“饞”。 4. Name of a place. 地名。 5. Regarding speech or expression. 䜈言。 6. (From traditional dictionary explanations) (引自繁体辞典解释) 名 (Noun): 1. The beak or mouth of birds and beasts. For example: "dog's beak." "Shuowen Jiezi: Mouth section" states: "嚵 means one refers to the beak." 鳥獸的嘴。如:「狗嚵子」。《說文解字·口部》:「嚵,一曰喙也。」 动 (Verb): 1. To taste. "Jiyun: Upper tone, Yan rhyme" states: "嚵 means to taste." 嘗。《集韻·上聲·琰韻》:「嚵,嘗也。」
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