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Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "庸", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "庸", and master the standard way of writing the character "庸".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 庸
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "庸" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
庸 [yōng]
1. Ordinary; not remarkable.
- 平常,不高明的:平庸。庸医(mediocre doctor)。庸言(commonplace words)。庸俗。庸人(ordinary person)。昏庸(mediocre and foolish)。庸主(mediocre or foolish monarch)。庸夫(mediocre husband)。庸暗(ordinary and ignorant)。庸庸碌碌(without ambition, accomplishing little)。
2. Need; necessary.
- 需要:无庸细述(no need to elaborate)。无庸讳言(no need to keep secret)。
3. How; in what way.
- 岂,怎么:庸讵(how, in what way, also written as “庸遽”)。
4. A type of tax system in the Tang Dynasty of China.
- 中国唐代一种赋税法:租庸调。
5. Merit; contribution.
- 功劳:庸绩(merit or achievement)。
6. Same as “佣”, meaning to employ or hire.
- 古同“佣”,雇佣。
**As a Verb:**
1. To need; to adopt.
- 同本义 ([En.] need; adopt).
2. Used primarily with negative adverbs such as “无”, “勿”, and “弗”.
3. To employ; to appoint.
- 任用 ([En.] employ).
4. To be hired; to sell one's labor.
- 受雇用,出卖劳动力 ([En.] be hired).
5. To reward for contributions.
- 酬其功劳 ([En.] reward).
**As an Adjective:**
1. Commonplace.
- 平常 ([En.] commonplace).
2. Mediocre.
- 平庸 ([En.] mediocre).
3. Vulgar.
- 庸俗,庸鄙 ([En.] vulgar).
4. Mediocre and foolish.
- 昏庸,庸下 ([En.] mediocre and stupid).
5. Meagre.
- 浅陋 ([En.] meagre).
**As a Noun:**
1. Merit.
- 功勋 ([En.] merit).
2. A hired person; laborer.
- 受雇用的人 ([En.] hired man).
3. Toil; effort.
- 劳苦 ([En.] toil).
4. Wages; salary.
- 受雇者的工钱 ([En.] wage).
5. An ancient state; now part of Hubei province.
- 古国名,在今湖北省 ([En.] Yong state).
6. A surname.
**As an Adverb:**
1. Perhaps; maybe.
- 或许,大概 ([En.] perhaps).
2. How; in what way. Indicates rhetorical questions.
- 怎么 ([En.] how). Indicates rhetoric.
3. Can imply rhetorical questions like “could it be said that…”
- 表示反问,可译为“难道”、“岂”、“哪里” ([En.] could it be said that…).
*(Note: Translated definitions are sourced from traditional dictionary interpretations.)*