Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "捭", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "捭", and master the standard way of writing the character "捭".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 捭
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "捭" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
捭 [bǎi]
1. 两手左右旁击。
(English: Strike with hands.)
2. 分开。
(English: Break off with the fingers and thumb.)
3. 通“擘”。掰开,分开。
(English: Break off with the fingers and thumb.)
4. 【引】
1. 《说文》:捭,两手击也。
(English: In "Shuowen," it means striking with both hands.)
2. 左思《吴都赋》:莫不衄锐挫芒,拉捭摧藏。
(English: From "Wudu Fu" by Zuo Si, it refers to action involving striking.)
5. 【引】
1. 《广雅》:捭,开也。
(English: In "Guangya," it refers to opening.)
2. 《鬼谷子》:捭阖。捭之者。料其情也。 注:“捭,拨动也。”
(English: From "Guiguzi," it refers to opening and closing, meaning to gauge one's intentions.)
6. 【引】
1. 《礼记·礼运》:其燔黍捭豚。
(English: In "Liji," it references specific rituals involving food.)
Note: 通「擘」 - Also reads as "bò," meaning to separate or break apart.