Learn to Write Chinese Characters with Video Tutorials
Watch the video of writing the Chinese character "概", learn the correct stroke order (笔顺) of the character "概", and master the standard way of writing the character "概".
Free Printable Handwriting Practice with Stroke Order: 概
Printable Writing Practice Worksheet of "概" in Portrait Orientation (Tian Zi Ge)
槩 gài
1. 大略,总括。 (General and overall; for example: 大概, 综述, 概览)
2. 情况,景象。 (Circumstances; for example: 胜概 (beautiful scenery))
3. 一律。 (Uniform; for example: 一概而论)
4. 气度,节操;气概。 (Bearing, moral integrity; for example: 气概)
5. 刮平斗、斛用的小木板。 (A small wooden board used for leveling measures, such as scoops.)
1. 引申为刮平,不使过量。 (Extended meaning of scraping to prevent excess.)
2. 概括,总括。 (To generalize; to summarize.)
3. 衡量;量,限量。 (To weigh; to measure or limit.)
4. 蔽,遮盖。 (To cover or obscure.)
5. 关切,系念。 (To be deeply concerned.)
6. 抑,抑制。 (To restrain or control.)
7. 通“溉”。灌溉,洗涤。 (To mean "irrigate", cleanse or wash.)
8. 又如; 概盂 (washing basin for cleaning).
9. 通“慨”。感慨。 (To feel emotional or express feelings about something.)
1. 一律,一概。 (One and all; for example: 概不考虑; 概行 (Carried out uniformly); 概视 (To regard uniformly).)
2. 大致,大略地。 (Generally, in a broad sense; for example: 概而论之; 概览.)